Lattkia is one of the most important cities in Syria.
It is located on the Mediterranean sea and north-west of Damamscus.The distance between Lattakia and Damascuse is 2400 Km, Damascuse is the capital of syria.
Its population is about 1,000,000 inhabitants.
Lattakia has a tamperate climate and there are four seasons round the year.
Lattakia is home to major annual festivels such as Almahaba festival that is held in Lattakia sport city complex on 2th Agust for two weeks. It includes culutral events, sports competions and musical concerts, by the way I took part in Almahaba festival when I was in secondary school.
Also there is another festival on 16th September for three days and this one includes carnival, panaromic exhibition and wind surfing.
As a capital city, it provides most of the services for the porvonice. There are hospitals, schools, universities, art galleries,hotels, cinemas and museums.
Also there are many archaeological places and resorts, usaually they are taken over by the tourists in Summer.
It lives mainly on tobaco, fruits,tourisim, import and export operatitons given that Lattkia has a main port.
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